
Creative force of two singing songs of truth for the church and beyond. Mike and Allie write and retune hymns as well as songs crafted with honest emotion about life through their eyes.

Mike and Allie fell in love while writing songs 15 years ago as students at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Introduced through their college ministry to the emotionally deep, modern hymn movement of Indelible Grace, they began re-tuning their own hymns, finding it to be a fruitful aspect of connecting to their local church body in a personal way. After having served in music ministry for over a decade, and leading worship in various communities, Mike and Allie have found home outside of Jackson, MS, where they continue to serve the church through music ministry and writing songs in a budding collective of other creatives. Beyond the worship and hymn variety, they enjoy writing songs about life through their eyes, merging truth with beauty through heartfelt lyrics and melodic lines. They have four beautiful children and enjoy playing Celtic music out in the community.

Find us on social media @mikealliemurphy on facebook and instagram. Follow Allie’s ministry encouraging young moms through creative living at and on social @thesongmom

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